You definitely won’t want to miss this weekend’s sermon. Get your family together and join us for a time of worship and listening to the word of God on 26 November 2023, Sunday, 10.30 AM. 你绝对不想错过这个周末的证道。 邀请您的家人聚集一起,2023年11月26日,星期日,上午10.30 与我们一起敬拜和聆听神的话语。 Youtube 频道 Facebook 官方 Instagram 账号 ONLINE GIVING VIA BANK TRANSFER 线上奉献:银行转账 Tithes/Offerings/First Fruits Mission 十一奉献/爱心奉献/初果奉献 Account Name 账户名字: Emmanuel Church (Public Bank) Account No 账户号码 : 3179997034 Used by permission. CCLI Streaming Licence #110547 #emmanuelkk #emmanuelchurchkk